3 Ways to Stay Safe As We Get Back to Normal
America is starting to reopen, but that doesn’t mean the threat of the coronavirus is gone. While we can all be thankful for looser social distancing measures, it’s still important to think about safety. Here are 3 ways to stay safe as we get back to normal.
How Are You Traveling?
Riding on a bus or a train could make you more likely to catch the virus than biking, walking, or driving in your car. Travel by plane is the riskiest option at the moment. As for ride-share and taxi services, it may be less risky than a bus or a train, but it is still possible to be exposed to the virus from the driver or from respiratory droplets in the air from a previous passenger. The CDC recommends ride-share and taxi drivers wear face-coverings and ask customers to handle their own bags.
What If You’re Eating at a Restaurant?
The National Restaurant Association released reopening guidelines. Recommendations include spacing tables at least 6 feet apart, providing customers with hand sanitizer, and getting rid of unwrapped straws self-service stations. If you plan on eating at a restaurant, you might avoid being too close to others while waiting for a table or when in the bathroom. Outdoor dining could be safer, according to experts. Restaurant goers might see one-use paper menus or look at menus on their phone instead.
How Can You Stay Safe While Enjoying the Outdoors?
Health experts generally say that exercising or just being outside is safe, as long as you practice social distancing. Basketball and soccer games may still be of concern since players are usually very close to each other. But, social distancing is easy when playing other sports: Golf courses are starting to open, as are tennis courts, beaches, and pools. Tennis players can avoid touching their face after touching the ball, and beachgoers should maintain distance in and out of the water. Wherever you’re going, it’s important to wash your hands frequently, especially upon coming back home.
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