What is Your Desired Retirement Lifestyle?
Even though finances are important, life isn’t just about money. Rather than have your finances dictate your retirement lifestyle, your retirement lifestyle can help dictate how you plan for your finances. After all, two people with similar amounts of money could have completely different concepts of what constitutes their desired retirement lifestyle. No matter if your priority is traveling, working part-time for fun, or just enjoying your free time, it’s important to have a comprehensive financial plan in place. Whether you’re a few years from retirement or adjusting to retirement, spend time thinking about your desired retirement lifestyle.
There are many things to love about retirement, and having the freedom to choose how you want to spend your time is one of them. Maybe you plan on having a simple retirement, which could look something like this: You’ll primarily live off your pensions, retirement account withdrawals, and Social Security benefit. Your house and cars will be paid off, and you’ll hopefully have no debt. Most days, inexpensive activities like making dinner, gardening, playing with the grandkids, and walking the dog will keep you occupied. You’ll enjoy spending your free time in retirement and pursuing leisure activities.
Or, maybe you want more activity in your retirement, in which case your retirement might look more like this: You receive most of your retirement income from retirement accounts and investments. Rental properties, dividends, and interest income afford you enough to do activities like dine out, sail, golf, and travel. And, maybe you own a vacation home. In a more active retirement, you can also be tasked with managing your investments, including your rental properties, which can be a lot of work in retirement.
You may be ready to leave your current career, but not quite ready to retire when you reach retirement age. Maybe your ideal lifestyle involves working part or full-time doing something you love. Some people may become bored by the lack of purpose or social activity normally provided by a career when they first enter life in retirement. If you want to work, you’ll have some added income in addition to your other retirement income sources.
Everyone’s ideal retirement will look different, but these general types of retirement lifestyles can help get you thinking about the one you will create for yourself based on your unique financial situation and goals for the road ahead. The professionals at Alpha 1 can help you figure out how you can finance your desired retirement lifestyle by building a comprehensive retirement strategy. To sit down with them and start the discussion, click here to sign up for a complimentary review.